Community Outreach

2021- 2023

NARAL PRO-CHOICE AMERICA Promoted and fundraised for the calendar year of 2022 to support a program that fights against the limiting and removal of reproductive rights and healthcare in the United States.

HIGH ZERO FESTIVAL ‘SAINT LEVEL’ Sponser of High Zero; the premier festival of Improvised, Experimental music on the East Coast, being fully devoted to new collaborations between the most inspired improvisors from around the world. Lasting two weeks in total, the festival brings together 22 core musicians, but also involves a much larger subculture of musicians in Baltimore and on the East Coast. Unlike many related festivals, High Zero is not narrow in terms of sensibility or subculture, but rather widely inclusive of all the different types of experimental music-making in the moment. The fact that half of the festival's core participants are from Baltimore speaks to the depth of Baltimore's experimental music subculture, which in recent years has grown to be one of the richest cities in the country for experimental art.

The festival has a unique structure. HIGH ZERO is focused solely on new collaborations in freely improvised experimental music. Internationally famous musicians play side by side with younger "unknowns," united by their commitment to the musical imagination. Each year, Baltimore becomes a fertile meeting-ground for a large group of inspired players, drawn from a fascinating international subculture.

BAF Promoted and fundraised for the calendar year of 2022 to support a mutual aid program that advocates for reproductive rights in Maryland.

Baltimore Safe Haven: Baltimore Trans Pride 2022 ‘Bronze’ Sponser

Baltimore Safe Haven is Maryland’s first and only community-based health and housing organization developed by and for transgender people living in survival mode. They operate the only transitional and emergency housing program for transgender youth and young adults in Maryland. We are an official ‘Bronze’ level sponser donating $2,500 to support their annual Baltimore Trans Pride Festival on June 18, 2022.

Our Time Kitchen Donated space, promoted and fundraised to support Our Time Kitchen; a hub for collective equity building, transparently sharing the steps required to build successful businesses, and creating new forms of accessibility based on that experience. Our Time Kitchen supports minority women, and marginalized genders, who want to build food businesses by lowering systemic barriers and creating access to resources in a supportive environment.

BAF Promoted and fundraised for the calendar year of 2021 to support a mutual aid program that advocates for reproductive rights in Maryland.

Ballet After Dark Donated space, promoted, and fundraised to support a program that provides trauma-informed, holistic dance therapy to survivors of sexual and intimate partner violence. Ballet After Dark’s 9 month curriculum introduces participants to various elements of self-care with beginners ballet and athletic conditioning. Their mission is to foster relationships between survivors through art and expression as invaluable communication tools.

Baltimore Safe Haven In commemoration of Juneteenth (Saturday, June 19) we will be fundraising for Baltimore Safe Haven, a Black Trans-led organization seeking to provide opportunities for a higher quality of life for LGTBQ youth ages 18-24 in Baltimore City living in survival mode. Baltimore Safe Haven connects with the most vulnerable members of our community through harm reduction, advocacy, upward mobility services, and programs including free HIV testing, drop-in, and housing services. We are serving as a drop-off location for personal hygiene items for the month of June as well as donating profits from a special menu this Saturday.

House of Ruth Maryland Donated space, organized, promoted, and fundraised alongside a dozen other Baltimore restaurants to host a dinner where 100% of sales benefitted Maryland’s leading intimate partner violence center. House of Ruth Maryland helps thousands of battered women and their children find the safety and security that so many of us take for granted. Over $7,000 raised.

Boulanger Initiative Concert Series
Donated space to support an Initiative that advocates and provides opportunities for women composers and all gender-marginalized composers, including non-binary folks and trans people of all genders. Boulanger Initiative’s mission is to promote music composed by women through performance, education, and commissions. To work toward greater inclusivity, and to enrich our collective understanding of what music is, has been, and can be.

META in the Garden
Donated space, promoted, and fundraised to help kickstart META CAFE, a black-owned cafe and multi-purpose creative space in Baltimore. In collaboration with Bun Babylon & Sophomore Coffee. 50% of profits from a special menu donated to META.

SWOP Baltimore - Sex Worker’s Outreach Project
Ongoing fundraiser donating profits from merchandise sales in support of advocating for harm reduction approaches for services, supporting sex worker voices of diverse perspectives, promoting positive representations of sex workers in our community, and agitating for decriminalization of sex work in Maryland.

Red Canary Song
Ongoing fundraiser donating profits from merchandise sales in support of a grassroots collective of Asian & Migrant Sex Workers.


SWOP Baltimore - Sex Worker’s Outreach Project
3 month fundraiser donating profits from merchandise sales in support of advocating for harm reduction approaches for services, supporting sex worker voices of diverse perspectives, promoting positive representations of sex workers in our community, and agitating for decriminalization of sex work in Maryland.

Baltimore Harm Reduction
Donation to fundraising auction to support mobilizing community members for the health, dignity, and safety of people targeted by the war on drugs and anti-sex worker policies.

Baltimore Compost Collective
Joint fundraiser with LARDER to support a youth-empowered food scrap collection service serving the Curtis Bay, Federal Hill, Riverside Park & Locust Point neighborhoods.

GRL Power Baltimore Virtual Drag Show
Donated space to support fundraising efforts for LGTBQ artists suffering financially from the pandemic.

A Celebration of Black Love hosted by Abdu Ali
Donated space to local Artists for an evening of connecting and entertainment in celebration of Black Love highlighting BIPOC artists.

Boulanger Initiative Concert Series
Donated space to support an Initiative that advocates and provides opportunities for women composers and all gender-marginalized composers, including non-binary folks and trans people of all genders. Boulanger Initiative’s mission is to promote music composed by women through performance, education, and commissions. To work toward greater inclusivity, and to enrich our collective understanding of what music is, has been, and can be.

Charm City Craft Mafia
Annual sponser supporting local artists.

SOCLE Holiday Market
Donated space to local artists to advertise their businesses and run their own commerce in a curated market setting. Co-hosted by LARDER and Sophomore Coffee.

Community Yoga with Tamar Jacobs
Ongoing weekly donation of space to local Yoga teacher in support of sliding scale Community Yoga.

Community Acupuncture with MEND
Ongoing weekly donation of space organized by LARDER to support sliding scale community acupuncture. Since 2006, Mend has been offering affordable, convenient and compassionate acupuncture care to the Baltimore community. As a safe and effective tool for many conditions and symptoms.

Guardian Gym Baltimore
Fundraiser donating profits from a night of bar sales to support a non-profit gym offering free Ju Jitsu & yoga training for Baltimore youths ages 10-17.


Youth Empowered Society Baltimore
Fundraiser donating profits from a month of beer sales + a night of bar sales to Baltimore City’s first drop in center for homeless youth.

Fuel Fund of Maryland
Fundraiser donating profits from a mont of beer sales + a night of bar sales to support the efficient delivery of cost-effective energy assistance for low income households.

Charm City Craft Mafia
Annual sponser supporting local artists.

Baltimore Corps
Fundraiser donating profits from a month of beer sales + a night of bar sales to support empowering people to find training, support, and careers in Baltimore while advancing an agenda for equity and racial justice.

SOCLE Holiday Market
Donated space to local artists to advertise their businesses and run their own commerce in a curated market setting. Co-hosted by LARDER and Sophomore Coffee.